- To hide it from a strange charge showing up on my bank account, I bought a bunch of healthy food and vitamins, so my boyfirend (with a joint account) wouldn't notice.
- I hide them in my car under the seat.
- I take them when I leave for work, and a few hours before I get off work, so the effects of the caffeine aren't noticeable.
I bought NV after a short read of a few boxes. I began with a cheap one ($15) in case it doesn't work. Does anyone out there have experience with this one? I'm wondering if Alli is worth the price. It promotes slow weight loss on the box, so I was put off a little. Hydroxycut may be my next pill. It contains a cousin of ephedra, and a lot of people seem to take them. I doubt the new Trimspa is selling well after the death of Anna Nicole, and I've heard without the ephedra, they're pretty useless. Ephedrasil Hardcore seems, well, hardcore. And spendy. Any oinions on this one?
Bottom line, I like the idea of extra help -- I'm going to need it. I want it to be reasonably safe, but balanced with results and low on the expense side.