Friday, September 12, 2008

Hunger tip-o-rama

That vending machine downstairs at work haunts my dreams and calls my name every night I punch the clock, so since I'm going back to work, I think it's necessary to go back armed with some tips to fight hunger:

Foods that fight hunger:
Pasta with tomato sauce and veggies
Light popcorn
salad with lots of goodies in it

Eat at 7 p.m. at the latest, no later
Eat sweet fruit, not sweets
Fast for a day to reset your body's hunger clock
Don't eat sugar, makes the body think it's hungry after an hour
Eat small frequent meals
Don't skip breakfast
Eat lots of veggies!
Eat whole gran, not refined carbs
Get enough sleep
Ask if you're really hungry
Stay busy, a lot of folks eat because they're bored
Eat slowly
Don't socialize over food, you lose track of portions
Chew gum
Brish your teeth or have a mint

1 comment:

G.R.M. said...

Wow honey! Just found your blog and am in love! I love the pics and your daily blog of what you ate. Thank you so much for posting, it's nice to know I'm not completely alone out here! I will definitely be checking you out daily!

check out my blog